AI & Machine Learning
Jordan Marks Jordan Marks

AI & Machine Learning

There are a lot of people talking about AI these days. You might hear it referred to as machine learning, or large language models, or Skynet, or any of a dozen hot phrases. You may be wondering what these things are. Wonder no more.

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Authentication and Credentials
Jordan Marks Jordan Marks

Authentication and Credentials

Proving you are who you say you are is one of, if not the, key to computer security. In this post, I’m going to discuss passwords (and password managers), multifactor authentication, and security questions. I’m going to try and point out why it’s important to get it right, some common mistakes and how they can bite you, and some very simple, life-changing ideas to make your online security posture much, much safer.

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Spam and Email
Jordan Marks Jordan Marks

Spam and Email

Some of the large email providers like Yahoo and Google recently made news by announcing a policy with new email authentication requirements for commercial email. The policies throw around technical terms like DKIM, SPF, and DMARC. You may be wondering what these things are. Wonder no more.

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